$('#tooltip').hide(); $('#td_f_Derinlik').on({ mouseover: function () { $('#tooltip').show(); $('#tooltip').position({ my: "left-12 top-8", at: "center bottom", of: $('#td_f_Derinlik') }); $('#tooltip_baslik').html('DEPTH HELP'); $('#tooltip_detay').html('The height from the pipes upper section to soil surface

Unit is in mm.'); $('#tooltip').width("300px"); $('#tooltip').height("auto"); }, mouseout: function () { $('#tooltip').hide(); } }); $('#td_f_ToprakYogunlugu').on({ mouseover: function () { $('#tooltip').show(); $('#tooltip').position({ my: "left-12 top-8", at: "center bottom", of: $('#td_f_ToprakYogunlugu') }); $('#tooltip_baslik').html('SOIL DENSITY HELP'); $('#tooltip_detay').html('Intensity of soil on the pipe is entered in this space.

Unit is kN/m3.'); $('#tooltip').width("280px"); $('#tooltip').height("auto"); }, mouseout: function () { $('#tooltip').hide(); } }); $('#td_f_MaksimumSu').mouseover(function () { $('#tooltip').show(); $('#tooltip').position({ my: "left-12 top-8", at: "center bottom", of: $('#td_f_MaksimumSu') }); $('#tooltip_baslik').html('MAXIMUM WATER LEVEL HELP'); $('#tooltip_detay').html('Maximum water level height from pipe base is entered in this space

Unit is in mm.'); $('#tooltip').width("250px"); $('#tooltip').height("auto"); }); $('#td_f_MaksimumSu').mouseout(function () { $('#tooltip').hide(); }); $('#td_f_MinimumSu').mouseover(function () { $('#tooltip').show(); $('#tooltip').position({ my: "left-12 top-8", at: "center bottom", of: $('#td_f_MinimumSu') }); $('#tooltip_baslik').html('MINIMUM WATER LEVEL HELP'); $('#tooltip_detay').html('Minimum water level from pipe base is entered in this space.

Unit is in mm.'); $('#tooltip').width("250px"); $('#tooltip').height("auto"); }); $('#td_f_MinimumSu').mouseout(function () { $('#tooltip').hide(); }); $('#td_f_TrafikYuku').mouseover(function () { $('#tooltip').show(); $('#tooltip').position({ my: "left-12 top-8", at: "center bottom", of: $('#td_f_TrafikYuku') }); $('#tooltip_baslik').html('TRAFFIC LOAD HELP'); $('#tooltip_detay').html('Type of traffic on the pipe is entered in this space if pipe is laid under the path.'); $('#tooltip').width("250px"); $('#tooltip').height("auto"); }); $('#td_f_TrafikYuku').mouseout(function () { $('#tooltip').hide(); }); $('.f_ToprakGrup').mouseover(function () { $('#tooltip').show(); $('#tooltip').position({ my: "left-12 top-1", at: "center bottom", of: $(this) }); $('#tooltip_baslik').html('SOIL GROUP HELP'); $('#tooltip_detay').html('Soil group is selected in this area.
ATV A127 Soil Groups

G1 (Group 1): Non-binding grounds
G2 (Group 2): Slightly binding grounds
G3 (Group 3): Binding mixed soils, spoiled mud land (muddy sand and pebble, binding spoiled soil)
G4 (Group 4): Binding soil (clay, for example)'); $('#tooltip').width("250px"); $('#tooltip').height("auto"); }); $('.f_ToprakGrup').mouseout(function () { $('#tooltip').hide(); }); $('.f_Emodul').mouseover(function () { $('#tooltip').show(); $('#tooltip').position({ my: "left-12 top-1", at: "center bottom", of: $(this) }); $('#tooltip_baslik').html('E-MODULE HELP'); $('#tooltip_detay').html('Elasticity module is entered in this space.

Unit is N/mm2 or MPa'); $('#tooltip').width("250px"); $('#tooltip').height("auto"); }); $('.f_Emodul').mouseout(function () { $('#tooltip').hide(); }); $('.f_Proktor').mouseover(function () { $('#tooltip').show(); $('#tooltip').position({ my: "left-12 top-1", at: "center bottom", of: $(this) }); $('#tooltip_baslik').html('PROCTOR DENSITY HELP'); $('#tooltip_detay').html('Proctor intensity of soil is entered in this space.

Unit is %.'); $('#tooltip').width("250px"); $('#tooltip').height("auto"); }); $('.f_Proktor').mouseout(function () { $('#tooltip').hide(); }); $('#td_f_HendekGenisligi').mouseover(function () { $('#tooltip').show(); $('#tooltip').position({ my: "left-12 top-8", at: "center bottom", of: $(this) }); $('#tooltip_baslik').html('TRENCH WIDTH HELP'); $('#tooltip_detay').html('The value in this space is the width of ditch in which pipe is laid down. Ditch width is the measure taken on pipe upper surface in the angled ditch.

Unit is mm.'); $('#tooltip').width("280px"); $('#tooltip').height("auto"); }); $('#td_f_HendekGenisligi').mouseout(function () { $('#tooltip').hide(); }); $('#td_f_DuvarAcisi').mouseover(function () { $('#tooltip').show(); $('#tooltip').position({ my: "left-12 top-8", at: "center bottom", of: $(this) }); $('#tooltip_baslik').html('WALL ANGLE HELP'); $('#tooltip_detay').html('Ditch wall angle is entered in this space.'); $('#tooltip').width("240px"); $('#tooltip').height("auto"); }); $('#td_f_DuvarAcisi').mouseout(function () { $('#tooltip').hide(); }); $('#tbl_f_DokmeKosulu').mouseover(function () { $('#tooltip').show(); $('#tooltip').position({ my: "left-12 top-8", at: "center bottom", of: $('#tbl_f_DokmeKosulu') }); $('#tooltip_baslik').html('COVER CONDITION HELP'); $('#tooltip_detay').html('Cover condition is selected.
ATV A127 Cover Conditions:

A1 : Backfilling compacted in layers against the natural soil (without proff of compaction degree); also applies to plank walls.A2 : Vertical pipe trench lining with boards that are not removed until after backfilling. Lining boads or devices that are removed step by step during backfilling. Non-compacted backfilling. Backfilling with slurry (only suitable for soils of group G1)A3 : Vertical trench lining with sheet piling, lightweight sheet sections, wooden planks, lining boards or devices that are not removed until after backfilling.A4 : Backfilling compacted in layers against the natural soil with proof of the required compaction degree to ZTVE-StB (see also Section 4.2); also applies to plank walls (Berlin lining). Cover contidion A4 is not applicable to soils of group G4'); $('#tooltip').width("400px"); $('#tooltip').height("auto"); }); $('#tbl_f_DokmeKosulu').mouseout(function () { $('#tooltip').hide(); }); $('#td_f_GommeKosulu').mouseover(function () { $('#tooltip').show(); $('#tooltip').position({ my: "left-12 top-8", at: "center bottom", of: $(this) }); $('#tooltip_baslik').html('BEDDING CONDITION HELP'); $('#tooltip_detay').html('Bedding condition is selected.
ATV A127 Bedding Conditions:

B1 : Bedding compacted in layers against the natural soil or in the embankment (without proof of compaction degree); also applies to plank walls.

B2 : Vertical lining in the pipe zone with planks that reach down to the trench bottom and are not removed until after backfilling and compaction.
Lining boards or devices, provided that the soil is compacted after the lining is removed.

B3 : Vertical lining in the pipe zone with sheet piling or lightweight sheeting and compaction againts the lining reaching down below the trench bottom.
There is no safe calculation model for determining vertical lining with wooden planks, boards or devices that are not removed until after backfilling and compaction the pipe zone

B4 : Bedding compacted in layers against the natural soil or in the embankment with proof of the required compaction degree to ZTVE-StB (see also section 4.2). Bedding contidion B4 does not apply to soils of group G4'); $('#tooltip').width("400px"); $('#tooltip').height("auto"); }); $('#td_f_GommeKosulu').mouseout(function () { $('#tooltip').hide(); }); $('#td_f_YatakAcisi').mouseover(function () { $('#tooltip').show(); $('#tooltip').position({ my: "left-12 top-8", at: "center bottom", of: $(this) }); $('#tooltip_baslik').html('BED ANGLE HELP'); $('#tooltip_detay').html('Bed angle is selected in this space.'); $('#tooltip').width("200px"); $('#tooltip').height("auto"); }); $('#td_f_YatakAcisi').mouseout(function () { $('#tooltip').hide(); }); $('#td_f_BoruAnmaCapi').mouseover(function () { $('#tooltip').show(); $('#tooltip').position({ my: "left-12 top-28", at: "center bottom", of: $(this) }); $('#tooltip_baslik').html('PIPE NOMINAL DIAMETER HELP'); $('#tooltip_detay').html('The nominal diameter of the pipe which is to be calculated is selected.'); $('#tooltip').width("240px"); $('#tooltip').height("auto"); }); $('#td_f_BoruAnmaCapi').mouseout(function () { $('#tooltip').hide(); }); $('#td_f_BoruTipi').mouseover(function () { $('#tooltip').show(); $('#tooltip').position({ my: "left-12 top-8", at: "center bottom", of: $(this) }); $('#tooltip_baslik').html('PIPE TYPE HELP'); $('#tooltip_detay').html('There are two types of pipes.
Triplex : The HDPE profiled pipe type , produced with extrusion method
FKS : The HDPE Profiled pipe type, produced with the spirally spinding method.'); $('#tooltip').width("235px"); $('#tooltip').height("auto"); }); $('#td_f_BoruTipi').mouseout(function () { $('#tooltip').hide(); }); $('#td_f_ProfilTipi').mouseover(function () { $('#tooltip').show(); $('#tooltip').position({ my: "left-12 top-8", at: "center bottom", of: $(this) }); $('#tooltip_baslik').html('PROFILE TYPE HELP'); $('#tooltip_detay').html('Triplex pipes and FKS pipes are profiled pipes. These profiles determine the load to be carried. In this space, profile of pipe to be calculated is selected.'); $('#tooltip').width("235px"); $('#tooltip').height("auto"); }); $('#td_f_ProfilTipi').mouseout(function () { $('#tooltip').hide(); }); $('#btn_Hesaplama').mouseover(function () { $('#tooltip').show(); $('#tooltip').position({ my: "left-12 top", at: "center bottom", of: $(this) }); $('#tooltip_baslik').html('CALCULATE BUTTON HELP'); $('#tooltip_detay').html('When this button is clicked, optimum of available profile designs is selected.

Derived result is inside the box of which profile type is opened.'); $('#tooltip').width("235px"); $('#tooltip').height("auto"); }); $('#btn_Hesaplama').mouseout(function () { $('#tooltip').hide(); }); $('#btn_Statik_Hesap').mouseover(function () { $('#tooltip').show(); $('#tooltip').position({ my: "left-12 top", at: "center bottom", of: $(this) }); $('#tooltip_baslik').html('STATIC CALCULATION BUTTON HELP'); $('#tooltip_detay').html('When this button is clicked, it makes calculation for selected profile type. Values calculated for this profile is included in the section of outcome of calculation.'); $('#tooltip').width("235px"); $('#tooltip').height("auto"); }); $('#btn_Statik_Hesap').mouseout(function () { $('#tooltip').hide(); }); $('#btn_pdf_cikti').mouseover(function () { $('#tooltip').show(); $('#tooltip').position({ my: "left-12 top", at: "center bottom", of: $(this) }); $('#tooltip_baslik').html('PDF PRINT-OUT HELP'); $('#tooltip_detay').html('When this button is clicked, output of calculation made is obtained in PDF format. In order to obtain PDF output, calculation should be made by clicking first "Calculate" or "Static Calculation" buttons.'); $('#tooltip').width("235px"); $('#tooltip').height("auto"); }); $('#btn_pdf_cikti').mouseout(function () { $('#tooltip').hide(); }); $('#firat_arabaslik2').mouseover(function () { //alert($('#i_sayfa1').attr("class")); if ($('#i_sayfa1').attr("class") == "fa fa-plus") { $('#tooltip').show(); $('#tooltip').position({ my: "left-100 top", at: "center bottom", of: $(this) }); $('#tooltip_baslik').html('SOIL CHARACTERISTICS HELP'); $('#tooltip_detay').html('Soil charachters of the soil in which the pipe is laid down is entered in this space
E1 Zone: It is the characteristic of back filling from pipe ceiling. If soil resistance values are not known definitely, the option of “take from ATV A127 table 8” is selected. If known definitely; E-Module of back filling is entered with E-Module option. If proctor intensity is known, Proctor intensity is entered.
E2 Zone: It is the characteristic of filling placed by the side of pipe upto pipe ceiling. If soil resistance values are not known definitely, the option of “take from ATV A127 table 8” is entered. If known definitely; E-Module of back filling is entered with E-Module option. If Proctor intensity is known, Proctor intensity is entered.
E3 Zone: It is the soil characteristic of the land in which pipe is immersed. E-Module of back filling is entered with E-Module option. Proctor intensity is entered.
E4 Zone: It is the characteristic of pipe bed. If soil resistance values are not known definitely, "E4=10*E1" option is entered. If known definitely; E-Module of back filling is entered with E-Module option. If proctor intensity is known, Proctor intensity is entered.'); $('#tooltip').width("400px"); $('#tooltip').height("auto"); } }); $('#firat_arabaslik2').mouseout(function () { $('#tooltip').hide(); });